Thursday, August 15, 2013


I did not get up this morning thinking, I am going to start a blog today. It happened later in the day, when I thought to myself, I would like to have the experience of blogging about something, but what could I talk about that hasn't already been said? This led a conversation with myself about what do I like to talk and think about:

  • Working in a public library
  • Reading books
  • Reading books about ghosts
  • Reading books about disasters and end-of-the-world scenarios
  • Watching movies about above
  • Talking to my teenage children about the above

So what can I do with those interests? I can write my blog on the horror and disaster books that I read and find at the library. I can write about the ghost stories and movies and television shows that catch my attention. Will this be something that interests anybody but me? I don't know, but it will get me thinking about a genre which I particularly like. If it turns out that I can share my thoughts with others, that will be a bonus! Maybe my kids will participate, we will see.

Anyway, "velcome" to my blog.